Allora Moreland Avenue

The Challenge
We were approached by CA Murren and Sons, a well-established industrial, civil, and power industry contractor performing work throughout the Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic United States, to complete storm, water line, sanitary sewer, and detention vault as-built surveys. They needed this work in a very compressed timeline so it was all hands-on deck to get this work done for our valued customer.

The Solution
Due to the very confined underground space that was being surveyed, and the possibility of encountering dangerous gases, we employed the appropriate safety protocols. One surveyor, wearing protective gear, was lowered into the vault in a harness which was attached to a 60-foot cable. The cable was necessary in case he needed to be extracted quickly. The protocol also required that two confined space certified attendants be at the entry to the vault. Once lowered into the vault, the surveyor used a laser measure to acquire the needed measurements.

The Outcome
No new technology was required to complete this project, just good old fashioned survey techniques and the appropriate safety protocols.
Services Provided
- As-Built Survey
- Detention Vault As-Built
- Sanitary Sewer Survey
- Water-Line As-Built Survey